Thursday, March 28, 2013

Herbal Honey

Herbal Honey

Kelli Armes, Herbalist (Maw-Maw Kelli)

Honey (any kind you like, I like raw wildflower honey)
Herb, fruit, flowers, etc.
Clean dry jar with lid

Fill the jar with freshly chopped herb(s) (or other material) and cover with honey (make sure all material is covered).  Label.
Let steep (out of the sunlight) for several weeks or until desired taste (4-6 weeks). I flip over the jar every so often to make sure the material stays covered.
Strain the material off the honey (use cheesecloth), and then label and put into a clean dry labeled jar.

Add to teas and infusions.
Add to whiskey for sore throats.
Add to vinegar for throat rinse.
Eat for sweet snack.

A few that I have made (not a complete list)
Lemon Balm


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Herbal Vinegars

Herbal Vinegars
Kelli Armes, Herbalist (Maw-Maw Kelli)

Herbs, Weeds, Fruits, Flowers, Roots, etc.
Vinegar (apple cider, white or red wine vinegar, not distilled white vinegar) I use apple cider vinegar
Clean dry jar with plastic lid (no metal lids)
Distilled vinegar can be used for cleaning vinegar (not food or medicine vinegars)

Fill the jar with freshly chopped herb or mixture of herbs (or other material, i.e. fruits) and cover with vinegar (make sure all material is covered). Put the name of the vinegar and date made on the jar (keep the guessing game down years later) :)
Let steep (out of the sunlight) for several weeks or until desired taste (I usually steep them 2-4 weeks but sometimes 6 weeks). Strain the vinegar from your herb mixture or fruit (cheesecloth works well) into your clean jar using a plastic lid instead of a metal one. You may refrigerate afterwards if you like.

Use your vinegar on salads, as a base to your own dressing.
Add to stir-fry
Add to smoothies
Used in cooked greens
As a hair rinse
Add 1-3 teaspoons of herbal vinegar to a some blackstrap molasses (or just water) and take by spoonful daily.
Make an herbal vinegar cleaner (aromatic herbs like lavender or orange peel work great for this).
Many more options!!!  

For more information about herbal vinegars check out:

Examples of some I have made (not a complete list)
and More!

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Disclaimer: please make sure you know the plant before you forage it (there are deadly plants out there), obey wildcrafting ethics, please.  Make sure you don't wildcraft in a polluted area or use diseased, old or moldy material, use clean dry plant material.  This is how I do it you may meet someone who does it different,  that's ok too!  :) 
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