Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wellness! What is it?

What is wellness? Well that's a great question!! Some people might say that wellness is the food you eat.  Some people might say that wellness is the people that you hang around with. If you hang around positive people if you have good relationships that THAT may be a good sign of wellness. Many people say that having a job that you really really love may be a sign of wellness. What about exercising? What about feeling good about the nutrition that you put in your body, is that wellness?
What about your emotional state if you're having a bad day or you're having a bad week does that contribute to the overall idea of wellness?
So what is your idea of wellness? What comes to your mind when you think about your wellness?  I would love for you to join the conversation over at Maw-Maw Kelli's Herbs,  LLC on Facebook and comment on the video that I did on wellness.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

SMART Goals!


Are you working on new goals for 2016?  Most of us do try to make New Year's Resolutions and Goals but most of us don't follow through with them.  Well why? Not because we are lazy or not willing to do the work. but most of the time we don't set SMART goals and so we have trouble attaining them.  So what is a SMART goal?  

Read more to find out...
S Specific!  A smart goal is specific!  You need to be clear, concise and specific with your goals and not general. I mean everyone 'wants to be healthier' what does that really mean to you?  Write it down and get specific.
M Measurable?  Can you measure your goal?  How do you measure 'I want to be healthier?' It ca be different for different people, right? You need to have a way you can measure this goal in order for you to attain it. 
A  Action/Achievable!  What action do you need to take to get to your goal? If you want to go from 40,000 dollars of income to 60,000 a year what action do you need to take to meet that goal?  Is it achievable? 
R Realistic/Responsible.  Is your goal realistic? If you want to lose 100 pounds in a month is that realistic? (is it even healthy, be honest with yourself on this) You need to set goals that are realistic for you.   What is realistic to me in an area I struggle in may not be realistic for another person who excels in that area. Do  NOT compete with others, compete within yourself.  Are you responsible for your goal? It is hard to have a goal that you do not have any responsibility you  need to be responsible for you and your goals. 

T Time/Timely.  What is your timeline for your goal?  If your goal is to have your entire house de-cluttered and clean (deep down clean) what is your timeline for that to happen? If you don't put a timeline on it, most of the time it  will NOT get done.   

So are you ready to set SMART goals?  Are you ready to make 2016 the year you REALLY (finally) do something good for you and your health?  Do you need someone to help you? Do you want someone who does more than TALK about it, but that actually walks and lives it every day--but that is not perfect and will not judge you but help you where you are and help that train to move forward?  I have opened my Personal Wellness Coaching sessions and now you can have someone who is not only knowledgeable but is great at motivating people and keeping them accountable to themselves.  The introductory rate is one you will NOT find anywhere, especially considering the time I have had walking the walk and helping others over the years.   Sign up now and make 2016 the year you finally GET IT DONE! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Shining Star Academy Workbooks

I recently invested in the Shining Star Workbooks.  I just fell in love with the content, the way she lays it out and the resources.  Just the resources alone FAR out way the small cost for the workbook.

So I decided to share this information with you guys because it has helped me and I want to spread the word, and I hope they help you as well!  

Here is the link:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Crossroads Healing Magazine!

Hey Yall!!  Just a short information blog here for you!!!

Come see some of my articles, recipes and other goodies on this new online Magazine started by my friend Monica of Earth and Spirit Walk. 

Here is the rainbow ferment recipe from my blog!!! 

I have also written a few articles as well.  The first one is linked below and look for the new one in the February issue on Shedding your Skin! And remember to look for my rockstar snake Ms. Candy's and to share it so other people can enjoy and see my rockstar too!  I love my critters!!! 

This is a very exciting adventure!
Here is another link on Medium 

I hope you will check out the great information that is being gathered to help you move through life with more happiness and grace! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Maw Maw Kelli goes HI TECH!!!

Video Blog

Let's see if the gray haired woman can get up with the times!!! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Shhhhhhh. I am Trying to Sleep!!!

Shhhhhh, I am Trying to Sleep!

Are you one of those folks that have trouble winding down and getting a good night’s sleep? Sadly you are not alone. We need sleep our body goes into repair mode and we have not evolved to need less sleep and more stress over the years. See how I snuck that stress piece in there? If often goes hand in hand with sleep issues.  For now let’s just talk about a few things you can do to get a better night’s sleep. I am going to list several things. PLEASE don’t feel like you have to do all of these at once. I have learned these over the last 20 years so you don’t have put them in place all at once.  Set a realistic date for each one and then add another to help you get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzs. This is not an complete list but a detailed enough to get you started and hopefully on your way to a good night's rest! 

  •      Turn OFF the Electronics!!!  Yes I said it!!!  Even that thing you read books on that is not a real book (I don’t know the names).  You need to turn off your electronics at least an hour (most of us 2 hours) before bedtime.  No joking do it!  (Or I will give you push-ups lol). I made this number one because it is a huge reason most of us are not getting a good night’s sleep.
  •       Read a real book.  Read a real book before bed if you are not tired but want to wind down.  It is best to read something relaxing and not a book where people are chasing other people trying to kill them kind of thing.  This is a great time to invest in a coloring book, maybe read your favorite magazine or draw before you go to bed.
  •           No TV in your room!!!  Your bedroom is for sexy time and for sleeping!!! It is not for watching the news before you go to bed. Why would you want that stress anyway? 
  •          White noise!  I have used white noise for about 20 years now and it really helps drown out the noises outside (unless you live out the country with nature sounds) and helps me get to sleep and stay there.  An air cleaner (Austin air is my favorite) or a white noise machine or some people use a fan. Whatever works for you.
  •             Remove your phone and other electronics as well. Remove as many as you can and get a 'natural sunrise' type of alarm clock. These wake you gently and all those electronics (even if they are on silent can disturb your sleep. 
  •           Cover your eyes! Using a sleep eye mask is wonderful. They are about 5 bucks or less and help a great deal! If you can’t do that put electrical tape over your smoke detector and any other lights that may be in your room. I literally sleep with a pillowcase over my head. My mom used to cover part of my head to my eyes as a baby because she thought it was a good idea to help me feel secure and I still so that. Thanks Mom!  Great idea I love it!!!
  •           A relaxing bath is often helpful!  You are relaxed and if you crawl right into bed you will often drift off quite nicely. (I mix about 2-5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil in honey and stir it with a toothpick and add it to my bath).
  •         Write down whatever is in your head that you have to do the next day. Jot that information down, quickly in short phrases to remind you the next day. Keep a pin and notepad by your bedside and remove that clutter from your head. It’s a great way to keep this from bothering you all night long.
  •         Tea!  Chamomile , Passionflower, or Lemon Balm tea is lovely and may be a great addition if you are an herbal tea drinker.  Yum.
  •           Caffeine!  If you are like me and are easily stimulated, don’t have any caffeine or other stimulants past noon. This can really mess with my sleep if I have coffee past a certain time (I don’t drink sodas so that’s not an issue for me). If you need a little pick me up and like the coffee taste, Dandy Blend is nice,  your favorite herbal tea is nice, or I have a few herbal teas on my website that you may like.
  • Night Night Sleep Tight Room Spray is a great addition to the routine. It is not substitution for sound sleep habits mentioned above. (on my site mentioned above)