Monday, June 24, 2013

Easy Scented Cleaner

Easy Scented Cleaner

White Vinegar
1 or 2 Orange peels (or 2-3 lemon peels or any citrus you like)
1 Cinnamon Stick
32 ounce mason jar
Plastic  mason jar cap
32 ounce Clean spray jar.

Fill a 32 ounce mason jar with orange or lemon peels and a cinnamon stick and fill with white vinegar.
Place a plastic lid on it and label it.
Let macerate (sit out of the sun) for 4 weeks (or until you like the scent)
Strain the mixture through a cloth (to keep debris out of it).
Get your sprayer ready.
Fill of half of the mixture you just made (with the vinegar and peels) and  then add the rest vodka.
Shake well and then use.
(Optional) you may cut this mixture with water if you like.

I use this for windows, countertops, whatever you like. And you can alter this to what you like, apples, lime, lemon, vanilla, etc.  Have fun with it!

I do not use essential oils as I am scent sensitive so this for me is scented enough, but you could add a few drops if you wanted to. J

There are several of these floating around, but I don't think any of them call for vodka (or not that I have seen), I use vodka to cut down on  the streaking that can occur with just vinegar.