Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rainbow Pepper Ferment

Rainbow Pepper Ferment

Maw-Maw Kelli, Herbalist

We all know we need to ‘Eat the Rainbow’.  The Creator has set for us different vitamins and minerals (and other chemical compounds of long names of things I can't pronounce like carotenoids and anthocyanins ) in each of the colors of the rainbow in our food.  I am not going into a great deal on this information, but it is well documented and certainly well known by traditional herbalist long before science could even confirm.  I AM however going to give you an easy Rainbow recipe. 

I love peppers, and I love the different colors of peppers.  So I am sharing with you my favorite pepper ferment.  You can make this HOT with a small amount habanero and or jalapeno pepper BUT WEAR GLOVES!!!  Or you can leave those out and make it a more mild pepper ferment.   This is your choice, do what you will!

Gather and chop peppers from each of the color of the rainbow.  Add a pinch of mustard seed in the bottom if you like (will make it hotter so you can leave out if you want)

ALSO: Add a red Onion in with your colors and layer them according to the rainbow (or not I’m not the boss of you).

Make a salt brine and cover the ferment and allow it to ferment for the desired amount of time that you like.  If you have not fermented before you need to research this or even better Get Sandor Katz book on Wild Fermentation and or the Art of Fermentation.  

Uses:  Use this in cooking, to make salad dressing, or add to salads etc.  Have fun with it!