Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Can we talk?

Can we Talk? 

It's time we chat about self care. 
We are so busy these days. We OVER extend ourselves.  We over reach and often do too much.  And to be honest its glorified by the media and often is looked upon as a status symbol. I just posted a Meme on my Facebook page today about that and that particular post inspired me to do this blog (I did this first in a newsletter and decided to share it on the blog as well) . Well, let me say this. It's all smoke and mirrors. Don't fall for it.  We need time to tend to our bodies and our soul.  Take  at least 15 minutes every day and sit in nature or listen to nature sounds. This is the perfect time to also brew you a cup of nourishing herbal tea.  

I want you to take care of you! I want you to say no when you are doing too much or need a break. It is NOT a sign of weakness. You can't take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. 

So speaking of nature and tea tim this a great way to stop and take break and tend to yourself. Brewing a cup of nutritious herbal tea not only helps us get our vitamins and minerals but it makes you take a few minutes for you.  Brew tea, sit outside,  or turn off everything and listen to nature sounds (yes that means your cell phone too)

This is a tea I formulated and have been drinking for a long time. I recently sent it to some taste testers and got some great feedback, so I  made it available to the public for purchase. I did that because I want YOU yo be able to enjoy this tea like I do and more importantly I want you to tend to yourself and take care of yourself.  I honestly do care about each of you and I want you to be successful and that means you need to be nourished and healthy! 

Check out the other pics of this tea on the ETSY page.  I know you will love this tea like I do. 

The link is here:

P.S. For those of you coming I will you Saturday at the ACHOO
class. We have a lot of material to cover!  And will have great time! 

P.S.S The website is almost up and running, I am so excited to finally have a REAL website! 

Don't forget to keep up with updated on Maw-Maw Kelli's Herb  page on Facebook and Twitter

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why Herbalism? Why Now?

Why Herbalism? Why Now?

So let’s start with the second question first.  Why now?  Well really its NOT now.  Herbalism in some form has been a part of the people as long as the people have been a part of the Earth.  As far back as I know (and could be farther) My Great Grandmothers practiced Herbalism and other forms of Self Sustainability back in their day. In our case it was the Appalachian way (and not just in Appalachia for sure).  So you are not new on the scene to Herbalism.  You may think you are but generations and generations have come before you. So you do not walk this path alone.

But that leads us to the first question Why Herbalism? Maybe the question should be, Why not?  The more we are in control of our food (where it comes from) and our medicine (how its prepared, grown, etc.) and the more we know and understand what is actually going into our bodies and nourishing it, the better we are to help our bodies be the best they can be.  Now this doesn’t mean you will never seek medical care when needed, that is understood here. But what about when there is no Doctor available or medical can’t be sought?  Wouldn’t it be beneficial to have some skills?

Its certainly SEEMS more convenient to just buy everything at the store, but what if your local store closes?  What if you can’t get to the store because a disaster has occurred and you got heartburn something fierce (or God forbid, something worse)? What are you going to do? Your backyard could be your medicine chest, if you knew how to use it.

These are the concepts we will be exploring in my new course that is geared towards local flora.  Local Trees, weeds, and common foods you probably already have in your kitchen for medicine.

If you are interested in taking this journey with me,  please email me today to get updates at the course comes available!  

Green Blessings! 
Maw-Maw Kelli! or 

P.S.  I am excited to also announce we have a new website coming soon!  

P.S.S.  I am also exited to let you know I have added more items to the Esty store and more are on there way!  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Botanical Perfume: Time Travel Through Scent

Botanical Perfume: Time Travel Through Scent

Imagine yourself walking through a magical forest with mythical creatures and exotic plants! Well that is the feeling you may get when your experience Botanical Perfumes. Botanical perfumery began to interest me around 2 years ago. I picked up a few books and just dove in. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing but I knew I was willing to take time, think on it, play with scents, and forgive myself if I created something not appealing (and I did a few of those). I began to experiment with different essential oils and in the process I created my first marketable perfume, which later took on the name EarthKeeper (with the personal permission of Marina Raye, as it was named after one of her songs). When I apply this blend, I have a personal vision that comes to me; I see a lady surrounded by closed canopy woods, she has a small earth like cottage with a sharp ‘A’ frame stone front with a heavy oak wooden door. Beautiful green moss is growing up the sides of the house. She is thin, with long silver hair. Her hair is thick and lustrous. The red and white oak trees surround her with a peppering of pine and a large Tulip Poplar that protects the house. The small chatter you hear are the fairies and plant devas talking aloud in small voices background like two elder ladies gossiping at a coffee shop. The hawks fly above her head and the Broad Winged hawk calls, Pseeeeee-eh, as if it is calling her by name as it circles above in the air high in the air ready to make its migration south. I can hear the small creek in the background that runs near the house, the water running over the smooth small rocks that steady the waters.  Along the little branch, Amanita mushrooms popping up, and one little patch of Indian Pipe that happens to have the sun shining on it like an angel attempting to come forth and announce itself. This beautiful wonderful magical place is the time and place that EarthKeeper perfume takes me to.

Botanical Perfume in my mind, and more in fact MY mission, should bring us to a pleasant place in time. A travel through scent, botanical time travel to transport you to another place that brings up good memories or even takes you on mini vacation. Depending on the scent or the blend it may make you feel a little calmer on a stressful day. Maybe it may make you feel in standing in sunshine on a rainy or gloomy day. It is certainly possible that it may even a little more confident as you head out to that interview for that new job. You may find you have feel a little extra pep in your step after a tired day, or maybe you will feel a little frisky on the weekend with you mate. The blending of scents will do different things for different people and THAT is the beauty of botanical perfume, the fact that one blend can bring different thoughts, feelings and memories to different people. Want a little botanical magic in your life, or a mini vacation? Apply a blend today and you may be transported back in time where you were a child chasing fire flies, or sitting in front of the fireplace on a winter morning.

Further Reading or Resources:

Jeanne Rose, Natural Perfumer Blending Workbook
Mandy Aftel, Essence and Alchemy: Natural History of Perfume
Angie Androit and Alyssa Middleton, Introduction to Artisan Perfumery

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

ACHOO! Herbs for Cold and Flu

ACHOO!  Herbs for Cold and Flu


If this class fills (like it looks like it will) I will add an alliterate date for the over flow and had the class again. 

Payment reserves your spot! 

Come learn about herbs and other natural therapeutics to help deal with winter issues like cold or flu (and talk about how cold and flu are vastly different). We will discuss preventatives as well. If time allows we will discuss hydrotherapy and a few essential oils for use (EOs are not the focus of this class) 

I have handouts as always and great notes. I will demo how to make an Oxymel and give a recipe for Fire Cider too.  We will be taste testing Oxymels too! 

Early Bird Rates: $25.00 of you register AND pay before 19 September. 
After that date or drop in (if there is enough space) is $30.00
Email: to confirm your spot.