OH SNAP!!!! We are no longer here! We can now be found on the website. www.mawmawkelli.com The old blogs are on there for you to search, the pictures and some of the formatting didn't make the change over. Hey I know how to talk to plants and trees and raise wildlife but not the best at technology. But we are working this diligently.

I am Maw-Maw Kelli, I help people who are struggling to reach their personal health goals by working with them through Nutrition, Health Coaching and Herbalism. I am an Herbalist/Aromatherapist, Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and Martial Artist. I love making botanical perfumes, room sprays, skin serums and other goodies. You can find out more about these and the services I offer at www.mawmawkelli.com or just click the link to the right ---------->
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
SQUIRREL!!! Where?
How I
Became a Squirrel Herbalist
Ok, hang on before you call the law just read further…. When I was at my first herb conference many
years ago, I wasn't very thrilled to be there.
I knew Robin was going to e there but she hadn’t arrived yet and I wasn’t
fitting in AT ALL. To be honest I found that most of the people at this
particular conference weren't even herbalist.
Many of them wouldn’t know Dandelion if it came up and hit them across
the head most of them knew herbs in the form of capsules from the health store
ONLY! These people were other
occupations (RNs, MD, DC, NP, etc.) that chose to go to this conference to get
continuing education. STOP! I don’t have any problem with whatever
occupation they were, but when I told people that I was an herbalist all I got
was snotty looks, snide comments and even more questions that at this time I
didn’t even know what meant or how to answer.
So, since I was (and still am) a wildlife rehabber, I decided to start
having a little fun with it. When people
asked me what I did I told them I was a squirrel herbalist. The look on their faces was priceless! I know
I am so mean. I start having so much fun with this and a lot of people would
stop me and ask further and so then I would tell them more about what I did as
a traditional herbalist and then I would talk about wildlife rehab and my love
for nature. So if you ever hear anybody
say that they know the squirrel herbalist that would be yours truly!
<3 kelli="" maw-maw="" span="" style="mso-spacerun: yes;">
(next year I am going to be the Possum Herbalist) lolSaturday, March 12, 2016
I take PRIDE in my work!
Well, you know me...

It takes a long time to handcraft and design my original Botanical Perfumes and a portion of all of my products goes to support causes I believe in. Not to mention that they are not TOXIC like the junk you get in stores so they are better for your health, I knew that you would understand why I had to raise my prices a bit.
So here's my deal for you. You can order them now at the current price before 20 March and if you use coupon code freeship3 you will get free shipping too!
Click Here to buy now! -----> http://www.mawmawkelli.com/#!perfumes-and-essences/c1yl4
Friday, March 11, 2016
Tree Essence
Tree Essence
Many years ago I started experimenting and making flower essences. I had already been working with trees in the context of Tree Medicine the bark, flower etc. I was actually turned on to the more advanced form of Tree Medicine my dear Green sister Robin McGee. I literally dove headfirst and have spent years focusing on trees and their benefits and my connection to them. So when I began exploring the flower essences this of course was just an natural extension of my relationship with the trees. I have been using and practicing with flower essence for MUCH longer. My love for the ‘The Tall Standing Ones,’ as Robin says runs deep and I am honored to work with them.
So little by little I would explore the trees in my area and work with each one of them in the context of flower essences. As I approached each tree, I always sought permission and work ethically (I do that in ALL aspects of my herbalism of course). I never looked up what each were good for I always connected with the Tree and connected with the Creator to help me see what I believed the Tree was trying to tell me. I also was given information in dream time (yes I am Cherokee-lol) and so I used what that came to me as the foundation for the Tree essence. And that's still how I do it to this day.
So here are some of the trees that I have worked with and the information that I have received from each of these Trees. I will try make each tree as brief as possible so that this doesn't become a huge information write up!
Dogwood. So I have a beautiful beautiful story that goes along with how I made the Dogwood flower essence and I will make a video on that to share it in the future. Dogwood is wonderful about bringing out the inner child in people. So this could be someone who is an old soul in a young body or this could be anyone who feel crickety on the outside or anybody that has aches and pains and wants to feel young again. That is what I feel like Dogwood does best! Bridges that older body (or hurting body) with the inner child that lives within you (or wants to live within you again).
Tulip Poplar. OK so this is one of my favorite trees! Anybody who knows me certainly knows how I feel about this tree. The flower essence is very, very versatile I find that is wonderful to help people who might have self-esteem issues or who may need confidence in a particular area. Tulip poplar is a general all around ‘i have your six’ types of flower essence. I've also used it in conjunction with Elecampane for grief issues.
Magnolia. Another wonderful beautiful tree that of course is related to the Tulip Poplar. Magnolia flower essence is great for people who get emotions stuck in a particular part of the body. So this person may get a stiff neck (when they should just spoke their truth) or they get their stiff in the lower back and hold anger or stress there. So this flower essence shines anywhere where their having trouble processing emotions and those emotions get stuck in the body. One lady calls it the Drama Queen cure.
Black cherry is a great tree from my experience in bringing out the creativity in people. Now in this case the the Tree specifically said to me ‘at the appropriate time.’ So the way I understood that means that when you are working on a creative work this flower essence will help you to know where to release it and when the timing is right. If you are shy about it, then I would combine Tulip Poplar with this essence to help you move forward.
Pine. This is a wonderful tree. When you feel like your whole world is just kind of falling apart and you just honestly don't know what to do or where to turn, Pine is a great essence. So I think about it like this, you can’t see the forest for the trees, then Pine is a good general essence to reach for.
Sycamore. I feel like Sycamore is really really good when the outer part of your body doesn't match the inside (think of Sycamore bark). Sycamore is really good about helping you feel more comfortable in your skin and really feeling like you are being true to yourself. I see this as a great essence to Tweens and early teenagers. Or anyone struggling to bring out who they know they are on the inside. It can bring up old issues you thought were dealt with (but just buried) and really process those. I know other people find Sycamore is really really good to help with their energy levels.
Serviceberry. I love Serviceberry essence, It is really good to help bring focus either to an issue or help you to focus more in general (like scatterbrained people like me) People who are having focus issues or maybe just need clarity on something in particular Serviceberry is great for that. I use Serviceberry and Hoya before journeying to help me focus on what I am wanting to work on in that journey session.
Red Maple. Red Maple really helps you to pull in and connect with the earth. When I was working with the Red Maple I actually saw the vision of the of the box turtle pulling into his shell. Like he was pulling in and connecting with Earth and waiting for whatever the issue was to pass so that he could come back out. So anytime I want to connect with and bring into my center I use Red Maple. It is great about balancing chakras (all of them not just the root chakra) I also find this is really really good tree essence for animals that are high strung or high stress. I do wildlife rehabilitation and I use Red Maple essence on the outside of the bunnies or baby possum’s cages (or a hawk or owl that is stressed). I put a blanket over a section of the cage or enclosure and drop a few drops on the cloth.
I hope you enjoy Trees as much as I do, and if you did enjoy this post share it with your friends and click below to see my Tree Essence.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Is Botanical Perfume Right for You?
FAQ about Maw-Maw Kelli’s Botanical Perfume
What are Botanical
Perfumes? Botanical Perfumes are liquid natural perfumes in a base
of organic jojoba oil along with blended essential oils to create a signature
scent. They are wonderful because they
adjust to each person’s chemistry.
Is Botanical Perfume right for me? That depends!! If love
high quality ingredients and are tired of putting chemical junk on your body then YES botanical perfume is
for you!
Are they expensive? Not at all. All of my perfumes are handmade in small batches with quality ingredients with REAL essential oils (high
quality ones that are ethically
sourced) along with and organic jojoba oil .
My daughter and I create all of our perfume blends and recipes. We do
our own formulation and don’t copy or try and steal other people’s work (even
though people have tried to with ours). Some of our blends actually take MONTHS to develop and perfect!
How long do they last? That depends on how often you use them I
just ran out of one bottle of my favorite scents (EarthKeeper) and I had it about two years.
YES it lasted that long and smell the same as it did when I first made it. Some people use them faster of course; it’s
all up to you.
Can I reapply during
the day? Absolutely. There’s no reason you can't apply more when you
What are people
saying? I have gotten many wonderful
testimonials on my perfume. Here are just a few of them:
‘Midnight Rose is my favorite and I could NEVER wear perfume
before. I am so glad I found this product.’ J.H.
‘Please never lose the recipe to Vanilla Cappuccino, I can’t
live without it. Lol’ M.G.
‘I can never find perfumes that work with my body chemistry,
I am in love with this, thank you!’ T.W.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea! Like what you hear? Click below to see our choices buy today! Think a friend may be interested? No worries send them this blog too!
Monday, March 7, 2016
Easy DIY All Purpose Cleaner
Easy Essential Oil Cleaner
1 Cup of White Vinegar
1 Cup of Vodka
Orange, Lemon or Tangerine Essential Oil
In a spray bottle add 1 Cup of Vodka and about 10-15 drops of your Essential oil. I use closer to 10 there is not need to make it very strong. Then add in your White Vinegar and shake well. Yep, its that easy. (Tip make sure to keep your citrus oils in the fridge so help them last longer).
Uses: I use this for countertop spray and glass as well, I have not used 'standard' household cleaners is about 20 years. Homemade cleaners are healthier for you and your family. You may add water if you want to make it stretch further but I don't.
If you have cats or sensitive individuals be mindful and do not spray around them please.
Please note I have another recipe that uses orange (or lemon) peel instead of EO's you can find that here:
Share with your friends and sign up for our newsletter for more easy tips!

Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Essential Oil Safety E-Course
Essential Oil Safety E-Course
So many people have asked me, 'Please do a e-course, webinar or something so I can take your Essential Oil Safety Class'. Most of you that know me know me, know that technology is not my strongest feature. However with a little help from Kristin my assistant, we did it. We created an Essential Oil Safety E-course. Now that I have her we will be doing more E-courses as well to fill your needs that you have communicated to me.
So if you have been invited to a home party on Essential Oils, go through this E-course first to make sure that the information you are getting is safe and valid.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Out With the Old In with the New
Out with the Old In with the New
The blog I'm going to write about today doesn't really have
a whole lot to do with herbalism per se but it can be a tool in changing your health. It's something that I've been doing
for the past few weeks in the physical form in the past two years (or so) in a
relationship form.
So what does that mean? Well what I mean by in the physical
form is going room-to-room, cabinet-to-cabinet, drawer-to- drawer and actually
physically decluttering! So I am getting rid of old stuff and stuff that
doesn’t serve me anymore. Everyone has that junk drawer and the stuff in there that
you’ve had for years you don’t ever touch it (hell you are afraid to put your hand in there) you don’t ever use it, you
don’t even need to have that crap in there anymore. Am I right? Well unfortunately for me I
have more than one junk drawer and I have some cabinets as well.
For the past few years, I have been decluttering (little by
little) non-physical things. So I have
been examining relationships, things I am doing in my life that no longer serve
me, or that in my case as someone with a Familial Nervous System Disorder
actually harming me. Now this can actually
be harder to do than getting rid of old clothes or crap in a drawer, but for me it was either do this or never get completely better. Even with holistic practices, herbs and whatnot I still was hitting a wall that I could not get over to regain my full health (ANS disorder). I even broke down and saw MD (they admitted they couldn't help either) so, had
no choice but to go to a deeper level in my care and examine more possibilities. I am a 'save the world' type of person that tries to do it all, but I was not helping myself. And you must take care of yourself before you can take care of others (self care 101).
So ... Folks will go through and do decluttering for many different reasons. Maybe they're looking to energetically free up some space and feel lighter. Maybe they are looking for more abundance in certain parts of their life so they feel like they have to get rid of the old to the new can come in. Or maybe they have too much stress and want less to focus on to relax them. People do it for many different reasons, probably many that I don't even know of.
In my case I started doing this for strictly and purely for
health reasons I could see that so many people were pulling me in so many
different directions and I honestly was being compromised, spiritually,
emotionally, and physically. So I had to
start saying NO to people and had to start allowing friendships and activities
that no longer served me to fade into the background.
I'm still going room to room and decluttering I'm still
working on that and I'm still writing down places in my life where I can say
‘this is not healthy for me’ or ‘I need to move on from this relationship or
this activity’ Now, it's a slow process but I can tell you that if you venture
out into this world of decluttering, in the long run it will serve you so well. So well in fact, that you will wish you had done it earlier.
Start with something that doesn’t ‘freak you out’ like the junk drawer;
you don’t have to start with relationships and activities like I did. BUT it is going to bring things to your life
that you never thought of. You will likely (after the uncomfortableness of the
doing it passes) feel emotionally and
physically better, honestly you will
wish you did it earlier. Hope this helps
someone today!
So after I wrote this Blog, I looked up some similar
articles and Here they are hope they help!
This one is a good one:
This one is a good one:
I have found this resource VERY useful as well so I am sharing it too!
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
But its in the Bible and they are Natural!!!
But It’s in the Bible and they are Natural!
©Maw-Maw Kelli, Herbalist
(Originally Written for Learning Tangent Homeschool Magazine April 2015 Issue)
Did you get invited to an essential oil party? Did they say, “it’s in the Bible,” or “it’s
all natural?” Or maybe they said, this brand is the only ‘Therapeutic Grade’ of essential oils that you should use? Ok, I love house parties
as much as the next person, but when your health is concerned, these are NOT
the place to go for scientific, safe, or accurate holistic health information
-did you hear me? Should I say it again? They will use emotionalism (and lots of it),
and may throw out some terms to make you think THEIR way (and they will
convince their way only) is solid science (most of it I have been witness to is NOT, not even close).

But you say, oh wait I had chemistry class, so I know. Great
maybe you had chemistry then go check the facts!! But maybe you
didn’t or maybe it was years ago and you forgot some of it – It’s ok – I am
going to make this real simple for you (and for me too). Before you read any
further I want you to know I do NOT affiliate with any essential Oil company
nor do I get any kick back or benefits from anyone for writing this
article. This is simply about you and
your family’s safety. Nothing more!
I think we all know by now that the term natural is thrown
ubiquitously and really doesn’t mean crap!!! Tyson, need I say more? So here’s the skinny on essentials oils and
some of the safety protocols you may NOT hear promoted by these home parties, social
media, or in Internet memes. So let’s
get into it.
Would you sit down and drink gallons of concentration
peppermint tea at once? Of course not,
that’s a lot of peppermint, isn’t it? Essential
oils are CONCENTRATED distillation of a large amount of plant material (a lot of
plants have to go in for that tiny bottle you bought). What does that mean? Think moonshine! Hang on
you ain’t Appalachian? You don’t know moonshine? Well sugar, let me learn you;
a heated still is full of fermented ‘corn mash’ and as that heats up and then
cooled back down, what comes out is ‘White Lightening’ (thanks to George Jones for that) or a highly
concentrated version of the low amount alcohol ferment that you started with. So that gives you an idea of the concentration
of essential oils. So we need to think about them in this concentrated manner
and then we can better understand the safety protocols and why they are so
So let’s talk a brief history. Oh come on you know you love
history, and we learn from it. So here’s a short introduction. Distillation was
invented (in the context we know now) around 1000 AD by a Persian Polymath named
Avicenna. That means that essential oils were NOT back in Biblical times. They did
use extracted oils, incense and other methods of aromatherapy, but not essential
Oils in the context that we know today. So if you heard the claim that essential oils were in the Bible that’s
not entirely accurate, and in fact extremely misleading.
SAFETY! (Hopefully that’s why you are reading). I do
wildlife rehabilitation and education programs, and like I say at programs ‘not
everything you see on TV or on social media is true.’ This is the same for essential
oil claims. People are trying to sell you something so the more YOU use, the
more money THEY make. Good marketing ploy isn’t it? But good marketing and good
herbalism are two entirely different things. So here are a few things that
should get you started. I will some reputable resources for you at this end of
this (just in case you don’t believe me, nor should you)!
DILUTE: that means dilute the oil. About 6 drops of essential
oil (again depends on which one this could be LESS) to about 1 ounce of carrier
oil would be appropriate for an adult in most cases (at least half the amount
of the essential oil dose for a younger kid and just avoid all together with
children under 2) NEVER ever use ANY oil NEAT –without dilution (no matter how
‘pure’ –which is another pseudoscience term they use) Its just not A. necessary
nor, B. safe.
INGESTING: Just Pass. Just go the opposite of what Nike
says. Just DON’T do it. I have the valid information to support this but is
long and terribly complicated so just pass. If you want lemon water, buy a damn
lemon. Are you willing to bet your liver, your child’s liver (or worse) on the
pseudo-scientific information they presented? You may be doing that. I once
witnessed a lady via a essential oil list on yahoo kill her dog because… “I
love my oils…” she said. That won’t
bring her dog back to life for not seeking appropriate vet care. “I love my
oils…” is emotionalism and it NOT a scientifically valid argument for ingesting
or force ingestion on anyone. Two of the
major company’s that promote this come from a marketing standpoint and not a
safety standpoint.
TOXICITY: Not all are safe for children, elderly, gestation,
lactation nor pet application, to name a few. Many are unsafe for babies, children
under 6, under 12, etc. In most cases they are extremely toxic to cats and
other small mammals. Sadly, sales people don’t always have the extensive amount
of training to communicate to you what oil is safe for what age (and at what
dilution rate). I recently saw a Meme for clove essential oil on baby’s gums. CLEARLY
a HIGHLY DANGEROUS suggested use since it is not approved for young children! (even
IF that particular oil was safe-and it wasn’t- the dilution rate was WAY off as
well, making it completely unsafe advice). I have a personal rule. If the
person cannot vocalize to you permission to receive the use of essential oils
application, you do not have permission to use them. It’s that simple.
None of these things I talked about are a complete list of
proper essential oil safety, and I can say I am not the most advanced aromatherapist in the world certainly. HOWEVER I have had extensive training as defined by the NAHA as professional member (and I have met those requirements). So if you are local and need an educated source, I am trained and reputable!!
One last thing...... There is
just way too much out there to write about. BUT my hope to you after reading
this, is that before you use anything you will go research it from a reputable
highly trained person, and that you will NOT blindly follow any salespeople. I
know for a fact that in a few years they probably won’t be selling it anymore
anyway, they will be on to the next big craze, which is Alkaline Water Machines…
Yes I went there, they are a scam too!
About me:
B.A. Liberal Arts (heavy science focus) and M.A.Ed. I am a
Community Herbalist/Educator, Certified Teacher, Naturalist, State and Federally Permitted Wildlife
Rehabber, Reiki Master and Teacher, and avid student of Mother Earth.
Reputable Texts and Websites For Reference and Learning (in
no particular order)
NAHA: https://www.naha.org/
Mountain Rose Herbs: https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/essential-oils-warning
Ingesting oils: http://empoweredsustenance.com/ingesting-essential-oils/
Books and Authors I like:
Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand and Tony Balacs
The Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual by Sylla
The Chemistry of Essential Oils by David G Williams
I love any books by Shirley Price, Jeanne Rose, Mindy Green,
Robert Tisserand, or Colleen Dodt, Demetria Clark (to name a few folks). Sorry if I left anyone out.
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