Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Are you Ready?

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Are you completely new to holistic therapies and not sure where to start?  Are you familiar with holistic therapies but find confusion in what is real and what is not real? Do you often have good intentions but never follow through or it only last a little while and you fall back into your old unhealthy ways?  Would you like someone to 'hold your hand' for a solid year to help you choose healthy foods, work with your diet, encourage you, get you refocussed when you need it. Or maybe help  direct you to reputable healthy resources and not FAD diets?  Do you need help to choose the right exercise plan and nutritional protocol for you (one mans nutrition is another man's poison)? If you answered YES to any of these questions. Send me an email so I can let you know of an upcoming offer I have. As someone with 20+ years in learning and putting into place holistic therapies for my family, helping friends and even my pets, along with 6+ years in seeing clients professionally in herbalism and of course  being a martial arts instructor  I have a LOT to offer you AND can help you to be WELL on your way to a better, healthier lifestyle. 

This is NOW Live!!!  Change your life today the Maw-Maw Kelli way!